
Training Practice

Davenport House Surgery has a long traditional of teaching young doctors aiming to specialise in General Practice. One of its retired partners, Derek Bird, helped found the Luton & Dunstable Vocational Training Scheme where most of the GP registers in training are currently based for their hospital experience.

Currently, Dr. Alka Cashyap and Dr Panteleimon Chan are the accredited trainers and they supervise up to five GP registrars (GPRs) at any one time at the surgery all of whom are at different stages in their careers. The new medical careers training scheme which commenced in 2007, means most doctors will spend a four month period in general practice even if their final chosen career will ultimately be in hospital. This means more junior but fully supervised doctors known as F2 (Foundation year 2) doctors will be increasingly seen by patients at the surgery in the future.

On occasions a registrar may video his/her surgery for training purposes. We will always inform you if a surgery is being videoed and ask your explicit consent prior to the consultation. If you do consent but, following the consultation, wish to withdraw consent pleased let reception know as you leave.